Seven Days Studio is a multi-disciplinary design platform operating in Helsinki and in Australia.
We are three independent designers working in spatial design, furniture design, product design and design research. We study the psychological and emotional dimensions of space and aim to add experiential elements to the everyday to complement functional needs.

Wilhelmiina Kosonen
Interior Architect
I design spaces and furniture as well as unique art installations. My approach to space planning is through experientiality, creating spatial impression and atmosphere in my work. I am particularly interested in the psychological and emotional dimensions of spaces and objects, and their meaning for the user.

Nora Kinnunen
Designer Researcher
I am a researcher and redirective designer. Utilizing research and design methods in my work, I focus on solving problems related to everyday practices. I am interested in the interaction between the individual, society and the environment and strive to promote sustainable ways of living and working.

Anne Kosonen
Interior Architect
The starting point of my designing is to understand and internalize the nature of the space and realize its best aspects. The building's style and year of construction give the design its limits and framework, and the client's wishes and needs are adapted to the space's possibilities.
The character of a space is created according to the user’s values and their personal objects. Furthermore, I consider our perception of object history and color history to have a significant role in creating spaces of meaning.